Hi all this is my very first blog that i am writing in blogspot. Let me introduce myself, I am Tan Bao Ren (陈保仁). Most of my friends make fun of me and called me guarantor(担保人) but I am not a guarantor. Joke aside, I wanted to create this blog to show you that if bao can do it so can you. I am just a normal average guy, who is working full time job and studying part time degree. I consider myself fat because my height is 1.77m ,weight is 93kg and my BMI is above 27.5. I always think that I am big size (大只)or big bone (大骨)to make myself feel more comfortable. However I AM FAT and i have to face this real hard reality.
People always say you fat cannot do this you fat cannot do that. I will show you what i am able to do with the weight that I have now. I am not encouraging you to stay fat for your life, you still have to cut down your weight because you will feel better, healthy, less prone to getting diseases such like high blood pressure and stroke.
Please do not get upset about yourself because YOU ARE FAT, i will show you what I have achieved over the years and I hope that I can inspire everyone who is reading my blog. I will give some advise and tips on how can you improve yourself in terms of physical training and achieve better result in IPPT and the race that you will be joining. I am not an expert or professional trainer, whatever I train is based on my experience and it work for me hope it work for you too.
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